Thursday, February 24, 2011

Polishing Women's Shoes

My good friend Madelaid asked me about polishing women's shoes. Here's some advice:

Essentially, there isn't any difference in taking care of women's shoes versus men's shoes, but you will often hear men say, "oh, I don't know how to polish women's shoes." Here are a few trick and tips to help you out.

1) Color polish - Most often women's shoes require a shoe color polish match as they tend to not be the standard black or brown that men's shoes are. Get as close to the color of the shoe as you can without going darker. Using a darker polish can permanently change the shoe color. Use a clear polish if you can't make a good match.

2) Fabrics and materials - Women's shoes are more likely to combine materials and you will often find a mix of leathers or materials forming the shoe. This just requires that more care and delicacy be used in polishing the leather parts. Using a cotton swab can help you apply polish to small areas.

3) Suede and patent - You will encounter suede and patent leather more with women's shoes. Suede is an inner split of the hide that doesn't have any tanned surface. Patent leather has been treated to harden and make the outer surface of the hide glossy. Both need to be cared for differently than regularly-tanned leather.

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